Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My cost for new license

Finally after over 6 years, all the court fines are paid...all $1480+.
Now after getting that fine paid off, the court had sent me a letter to take to the DMV and get my license reinstated. I went to Flagstaff for a coule days last week but
forgot to bring the paperwork with me, so I didn't even bother to go into the DMV office.

But this week I was packing for a trip to go visit my brother and as I was looking for my old "suspended" license, I realized that I couldn't find it anywhere. About the only thing I use it for is ID to get on planes. Well I had to go down to Flagstaff again last night so I could get to DMV the minute they opened. I brought with me my old expired NH license from yrs & yrs ago, my social security card, my work ID badge, Visa debit card, and the paperwork from court. Well I didn't need any of the ID at all....they never asked to see it. I didn't even have to take the eye test even though I now have glasses.

$24~Shuttle down to Flagstaff
$20~1 night at hostel
$24~shuttles back to Grand Canyon
$ what a license really cost me

Then of course there was money spent on breakfast & lunch
I had to spend extra money just to take an extra trip down to Flagstaff, just because
#1: my room is such a mess I can't find anything
#2: I'm scatterbrain and can't think of everything, the first time I go to Flagstaff.

Now before I had sorta made myself a "plan" and wanted the court fine to be paid off by the end of Autumn and had said I would get my license reinstated by March...well I'm early on both things. YEE-HAW!